Monday, June 21, 2010

Sunday 20th June

Rest Day

Saturday 19th June

Snatch: 102, 106, 110, 110X, 110X, 110X, 102, 106, 110X, 110, 110X, 110X, 110X
Hang Snatch from Below Knee: 60, 70, 80, 88, 100, 106X, 108, 6 fails at 110
C&J: 60, 84, 102, 125, 134, 140X (on jerk)

Friday, November 13, 2009

I am finding these days I dont have time to fill in a regular blog, particularly with a home computer (that actually came free with the car I bought) that is on its last legs. Hopefully in the next couple of months I will be purchasing a mac lap top and saying goodbye to the world of PC.

Hope to pop in once a week and give a brief account of my lifting, the battles with getting older etc

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Power Snatch: Warm up and then 5 sets of 2 @ 84kg
Squat Snatch: 93, 100
HPC&J: warm up and then 110, 120
Deadlift for 5s: Dont have convertor handy so 390, 400 and 410lbs

HPC&J my right clavicle pain flared up. If this takes as long to recover as last time any chances to lift well in November are over. Last time I couldnt clean or jerk for weeks and squat snatch even hurt when it was at its most painful. Looks like a few tedious weeks of back squats and deadlifts.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Stick to program

Snatch: 40, 50, 60, 75, 84, 93, 97, 102, 106, 108X, 108X, 108X, 102, 102

C&J: 60, 84, 100, 115, 125, 131X, 131, 131X, 131X, 131X, 131X

Was supposed to have been a light night but thought I was feeling pretty fresh so decided to go the following night. Snatches were OK, equalled post dislocation PB but need to get more. From 50-60kg knew I was feeling like it was worth having a bash at a max.

Legs were busted on 131 cleans, felt like low battery life light was coming on as I was coming out cleans and nothing left for jerks. Lesson learnt, stick to the program. Need to get these jerks popping up to get the target I want in November, going to be tight if I keep arsing around.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Muggy Monday

Worked 12hr in the lab and then came to the hot and humid gym to blow out the cobwebs. My thermometer is reading 26oC as I type this and its 2315.

Snatch: worked up to 95, 97, 100.
Nothing of real note. Trying to change starting position a little to be more consistent.

HPC&J: 115, 115, 120.
So humid by time I got to bar chalk had turned to paste. Near wrecked wrist on 115 HPC when bar slipped.

SC/HC: 140, 145, 147X
145 was fairly tough but if you dont ask you dont get 147. Got 147SC and racked 147HC but chicken legs came into effect.

DL sets of 5: 170, 175, 175.
Simon Campbell and I set up a challenge up to end of Oct so trying to push these on before his back heals and he kicks my arse.

BS sets of 5: 143, 143, 143.
Took it easy with these. Left hamstring was tight after DL and was apprehensive about pushing it.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sat Session (Day 5)

Snatch: 40, 50, 60, 75, 84, 93, 97X, 100X, 93, 95, 97X, 93X, 60, 75, 84, 93, 97, 102X, 102X, 102X, 102X, 102X, 102X, 102X, 102X, 95, 97, 100, 102X, 104X, 104X

C&J: 60, 84, 93, 100, 115X, 115, 125X.

I was still feeling wrecked and hamstrings have been feeling strangely tight. A good friend is moving to S. Carolina and he had a leaving party last night and I was feeling a little under the weather from this today. I knew this max out session was always going to be a challenge. Snatches were sluggish and I need to look at the clips but felt like I could get a better pop in second pull, finish more and I was definitely having trouble moving feet out. Anything below triple figures for snatch on a max night is a failure for me so I got rather stubborn and kept banging away until I got the 100. The 104 was overhead but sitting out front.

Clean and jerks, the 125 clean was even a struggle. The back right hand side of my right knee has been giving me a nipping feeling now in last two sessions during cleans. I was just spent and knew going through multiple attempts was going to be like flogging a dead horse.

It has been a good few weeks now since I have hit reasonable weights and I have been having a few technical issues with snatch and the jerk. I suppose it is just a period where I need to keep banging away but last few days have been hard wrt motivation.

Glad tomorrow is a rest day