Thursday, September 24, 2009


Power Snatch: Warm up and then 5 sets of 2 @ 84kg
Squat Snatch: 93, 100
HPC&J: warm up and then 110, 120
Deadlift for 5s: Dont have convertor handy so 390, 400 and 410lbs

HPC&J my right clavicle pain flared up. If this takes as long to recover as last time any chances to lift well in November are over. Last time I couldnt clean or jerk for weeks and squat snatch even hurt when it was at its most painful. Looks like a few tedious weeks of back squats and deadlifts.



  1. You learned from last time Pete, so it will not take as long to recover from because you won't lift on it while it is injured.

    It also might give you a chance to work on some overhead stability in the Overhead Squat and the Jerk Dip if that is possible. These drills, if you can go heavy, might help in the short and long run.

  2. I haven't lifted since monday due to the cold. big girl. sometimes you got to give in to you body and say no. mind says yes but body says no. Robbie

  3. Pete if this has come on you quick, then this could leave you quick! So take heart comrade and dont do anything silly till we know better.
