Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tues 30th Jun: Primarily Snatch

Little cooler due to a cold front which caused a thunderstorm in afternoon. Cool but more humid.

Hang Snatch: These are supposed to be power snatch but 4th and 5th rep were either borderline or squat snatches. This was the first time I had squat snatched from the hang position as I feel it is the most risky for my shoulder as the potential to swing is greatest. Warm up bar, 40, 50, 60, 70.

Set of 5 with 170lb/77kg then two sets of 5 with 165lb/75kg

Snatch Deadlift: Tried these from a ~2 inch block after an email a while back from Eamonn. Three sets of 10 with 275lb/125kg. Really tough tonight for some reason.

Muscle Snatch: Tried to replicate last muscle snatch session as legs were busted from deadlifts. Took about 8 attempts to get 4 successful singles at 165lb/75kg.

Temp: ~80F

Monday, June 29, 2009

Didnt feel too well leaving work and was contemplating not training and the heat in the gym (~90F) just seemed to make it worse.

Push Press: 80kg /175lb for sets of 9, 7, 8. Not overly impressed with this weight as PB is 190lb. My overhead strength seems to have dropped from the focus earlier on cleans.

Cleans: 84, 100, 115, 125, 134. 134kg was sluggish which isnt surprising as this seems to be the first thing that goes (speed under bar) when feeling under the weather. Slight pain when racking the bar and yet again the heat was causing me to be sweaty causing racking of bar to be slippy (possibly maybe also trying to protect the neck as well?). I have no idea at present how I am going to overcome this problem for the next few months.

Deadlifts: 3 sets of 10 with 170kg/375lb. These were incredibly difficult and ended up after each set having to lie on platform trying to suck the air in.

Lessons from today: Remember to bring programme and also I need to keep an excel file of all my PBs with different sets consisting of different reps. I find it hard to push myself not knowing if what I am doing is close to a PB. Still need to look back and find 10 rep deadlift PB.

Still need to get better routine sleep and also my appetite has been down a little recently which probably isnt helping. Positives may be that my knee seems to be back to normal so may try incorporating back squats back into the programme.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Snatching in the heat

I decided to split the weekend session into two and do first half tonight. Walking to work today at 0845 I was sweating which is a good indicator it is going to be a hot one.

Arrived at gym armed with my thermometer and took a pic of the thermometer once it began to settle at the room temperature:

Snatches: worked up to 185lb/84kg. Then did 12 singles at 84kg. Took about 15 attempts.

Nowhere near the same speed or height as usual, I was attempting 80kg muscles snatches earlier this week. Also feet were all over the place, not a quick equidistant movement and right foot seemed to be angled out further in a good few. Took video of about 4 to 5 snatches at 84kg so will look to see how they look.

Still assessing what is best way to train this summer. I think it will have to be something based on a lot of singles. My cleans and also my jerks are suffering due to the fact I am sweating so much the bar is slipping on my shoulder. Reps are definitely not going to be able to happen.....snatches may improve though!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I am writing this at 2200 and my digital thermometer is saying outside temperature is 31 oC. The small thermometer in the gym was reading 93-94F while I was training and I was feeling it tonight.

Push Press > 175lb (80kg)> 8 reps, 7 reps, 7 reps.
Deadlifts > 385lb (175kg)> 8 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps.
1C&XJ > 225lb (100kg) > 3 reps, 2 reps, didnt even bother with third set
Pull ups > BW (80kg?) > 3 reps, 3 reps, 5 reps.

Push press and deadlifts were average. Push press is down from last cycle and I seem to tire quickly during each set.

C&J I warmed up with 60kg and kept feeling dizzy after racking the clean and having to dump it. Took five minutes rest beside the fan but it was becoming evident my legs were wiped with either the training or the heat. Also after a few reps I have sweated so much trying to bring the bar back to the shoulder was a problem and slipping off - was this how I hurt my neck?

Pull ups are coming on slowly, the neck injury seems to be aggravated by them.

Was supposed to back squat tonight but given that I am still hobbling around with a pain at the back of the right hand side of my right knee it seem silly to even attempt them.

Speaking to a few people in work who think this is abnormally warm for June and they think it does not bode well for the rest of the summer. I hope they are wrong but my jaw dropped when they said the last few summers have been mild.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tues 23rd June: Snatchalicious

Today was primarily snatch work:

Hang Power Snatch: bar, 40, 50, 60, 70, 5x75, 4x75, 5x75

Snatch deadlift: 3 sets of 10 with 125kg

Muscle Snatch: Worked up to 3 singles with 75kg.

Wide grip pull ups: 3 sets of 3 with bodyweight. I always take these easy when getting back into them as I am always a little worried how shoulder will respond with the little jerk at the bottom of each rep. Sore neck was getting aggravated with this.

Temp: 90F

Monday 22nd June: Baptism of Fire

Started back training regularly tonight. Walked into gym at 2000 and it was 95F and by the time I left at 2130 it had managed to make it down to 91F. I think my chin had burst a water main.

Back Squat: 3 sets of 7 with 325lb.

Power Clean: 5 singles with 275lb (neck was feeling it at this weight so just stuck with power cleans)

Deadlifts: 3 sets of 6 with 375lb.

Lifts are down due to 2 weeks sort of farting around and also need to get used to this heat and begin to train smarter.

Need to work on better sleep, eating, protein straight after sessions and getting back to regular training.

Hopefully within a week I will be able to complete the sets above at the same weights for the required 10 reps as the weights above are about 15-30lbs off my ten rep PBs. Such a pussy!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tues 16th June: Getting back

Took time off at the weekend to try and rest sore neck and also a few niggles and general stiffness. Went to our local rugby fundraiser and ended up playing touch rugby on and off for a couple of hours in the 30+C heat. It was great craic but have been feeling the effects of not running for last 18 months!

When you sweat walking into work at 0830 you know it is going to be a warm day.

Gym was about 90F/33C

Back Squats: 60, 100, 125, 143, 1 set of 10 at 147kg, 2nd set of 6 at 147kg.

Sets of hang snatch above knee, below knee and from floor with 40kg. Did 4 sets of this with 40kg and will see how neck reacts O/N and may also try and use this time to correct shoulder positioning during pull.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thurs 11th Jun: Back Squats

Sore neck still, feels like this one is not going to heal too quickly. Still feeling it during normal day activities.

Back Squats: Warm ups with 60, 84, 100, 125, 143, 165. Then singles with 174, 184 (405 lbs), failed 190 (420lbs).

184 felt OK and light enough coming out of racks. 190 was probably too big a jump but it would have equalled Simon Campbells PB. 190 felt heavy coming out racks. Probably should not have tried a max tonight, it has been over a week I think since I did back squats because of a minor back strain and if I take that long off the bar always starts to feel heavier. If I dont lift heavily regularly I drop off quickly so I am wondering what I will be able to clean by the time my neck heals.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tues 9th Jun: Gain Drain

I have a sore neck and I am not sure how I got it. I woke up last week one day and it was there. It probably did not help going to max on hang cleans last week after finding my neck was sore.

Today I tried a 60kg C&J and it hurt bringing bar back to shoulder for a second jerk so I reverted to cleans. 125, 134 and 143 were uncomfortable to rack. Tried front squats and 143 was hard to squat with. Tried some pulls with 165 and they were having to be performed very slowly to try and not aggravate the neck.

So....looks like I will be doing back squat, back squat and more back squat for next while until whatever is annoyed in my neck decides to calm down. I try back squats tomorrow to see if lower RHS back stiffness is away.

On a positive note I was speaking to gym owner and there is a guy an hours drive away who is a good lifter who wants to train here. In 2008 at USA Seniors he snatched something like 140 and C&J'd 165 in 94 kg class. This guy is seemingly looking to move closer to Little Rock and get back down to 85kg class and put in some training. Will be refreshing to train with someone especially if he is going to open a 6 pack of whipass on me the nights he trains.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sun 7th Jun: Waste of time

Still felt a bit ropey from yesterday and other events conspired to make this a poor session. I had to go to not be labeled a 'you know what' by Sean. The only time available to me was mid-afternoon in 34C heat (or so my digital thermometer read) and I had to rush back to hear the latest news from back home.

Snatch: Bar, 40, 50, 60, 70.

That was it. From even snatching the bar I felt sluggish and tight also in the shoulder and the receiving position just felt uncomfortable. With the 70kg weight I felt a sharp pain in my gammy shoulder and thought I had done something seriously wrong to it. I decided to call it quits

Cleans: 60, 84, 100, 125, 143.

These were originally supposed to be jerks but after hurting shoulder in snatches I decided it was probably wise to give jerks a miss. 125 was a limit power clean and 143 felt like a deadlift and was hurting whatever I have done to my neck. By this stage I was late to get home so I decided to call it a day.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sat 6th June: Forced Rest Day

Had a sorehead all day and when this happens it usually gets worse until I end up throwing up. Probably a cloud with a silver lining as I have a stiff back and the RHS of my neck is quite sore since last week.

Gym owner phoned to say a top US lifter is either in town for a while or for good and was looking a place to train with bumpers. If I heard his name right he seems to be snatching 130-140kg and C&Jing 160+kg at 94kg class. Looking forward for someone to train with if he decides to come and our training times work out.

Need to get back soon, Brendan's cleans are improving. His brother, Sean, has now also decided to start training so there is a good little group of guys pushing each other on. Both of them have blogs. We are also trying to get a bit of fire into Colin Bell's belly to get him pushing his lifts on too.

Also in last couple of weeks we have had two guys enquire through the forum that are interested and are from Belfast area and I have got them in contact with Ronnie. So more people young and not so young looking to get interested in lifting in NI which is refreshing.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

4th June 2009: Today was a bad day

I am experiencing life can be cruel and throw your family a curve ball. I was in foul humour from last nights pathetic cleaning and todays news was just the pits. Tonights session had little to do with lifting and more about blowing off some steam.

Power Cleans: 60, 84, 100, 125, 134 (295 lb)
Cleans: 143, 152 (335lb)

Tonight was not supposed to be hang clean night for classes but they must have had a change of plan so ended up helping coach them and when I got round to 345lb I was off the boil.

Dead hang clean: 100, 115, 125, 134, 143, 152, 156, 161, 165 (365 lb) fail.

161kg Dead Hang Clean

165kg Dead Hang Clean - anyone got a set of legs I can borrow?

Racked 365lb but didnt have the legs to come out.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wed 3rd June: Character building

Tonight was tough. Was tired, lethargic, lower back stiff, knees felt tight and hands were beginning to blister from the humidity I think.

Snatch: 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 84, 88, 93 miss, 93, 95, 97.5 (215 lb) for 3 singles.

Snatches were feeling very slow, tried to work on extension as I think I am not finishing and should be power snatching more. Everytime I snatch these days I just think about what I used to snatch and also what I am power cleaning at the moment which just leads to me becoming increasingly irritated. Lower back always stiffens up on snatches during this period of deadlifting and back squatting.

Clean and power jerk: 60, 84, 93 for 3 sets of 3.

I have always been poor at power jerk and Jim Power a 62kg lifter used to kick my ass.

Clean: 100, 125, 134 miss, 134, 134, 134 miss. 'WTF' would about sum it up.

Life is tough outside the gym at the moment, maybe it is playing on my mind.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Mon 1st June: Hot, Hot Hot

Last night I got 4.5 hours sleep, came home from work today with a stinking sore head so took some tablets and went to bed for 45 mins. Woke up threw a coffee down my throat and went to gym. On way to gym I dropped a Red Bull Can in the car and possibly due to the can sitting in the car all day in the heat it blew open at the bottom and I ended up having Red Bull spraying everywhere in the car and having to try shotgun a can of Red Bull while driving.

Back Squats: 60, 100, 125, 143, 165, 5 reps at 175kg/385lb. Needed a slight touch on the 5th rep. Back was feeling quite tight and I think I have a mild strain on lower right hand side of back. 2 sets of 4 with 167kg/370lb, couldn't manage the 5th rep.

Cleans: 60, 84, 100, 110, 125, 143. 143 was tough and the heat is making me sweat so much the bar is slipping off shoulder during racking.

Deadlifts: 165, 183kg (405lb) for 3 reps. The deadlifts were troubling back and the heat had sapped my energy.

Hopefully my body can get accustomed to the heat soon. This year seems to be worse as we had poor weather in May and there has been no gradual increase in temperature before the heat we have been experiencing this weekend.

Off to get this grant review finished and hopefully (touch wood) this will be the end of it.