Thursday, June 25, 2009

I am writing this at 2200 and my digital thermometer is saying outside temperature is 31 oC. The small thermometer in the gym was reading 93-94F while I was training and I was feeling it tonight.

Push Press > 175lb (80kg)> 8 reps, 7 reps, 7 reps.
Deadlifts > 385lb (175kg)> 8 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps.
1C&XJ > 225lb (100kg) > 3 reps, 2 reps, didnt even bother with third set
Pull ups > BW (80kg?) > 3 reps, 3 reps, 5 reps.

Push press and deadlifts were average. Push press is down from last cycle and I seem to tire quickly during each set.

C&J I warmed up with 60kg and kept feeling dizzy after racking the clean and having to dump it. Took five minutes rest beside the fan but it was becoming evident my legs were wiped with either the training or the heat. Also after a few reps I have sweated so much trying to bring the bar back to the shoulder was a problem and slipping off - was this how I hurt my neck?

Pull ups are coming on slowly, the neck injury seems to be aggravated by them.

Was supposed to back squat tonight but given that I am still hobbling around with a pain at the back of the right hand side of my right knee it seem silly to even attempt them.

Speaking to a few people in work who think this is abnormally warm for June and they think it does not bode well for the rest of the summer. I hope they are wrong but my jaw dropped when they said the last few summers have been mild.

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