Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tues 30th Jun: Primarily Snatch

Little cooler due to a cold front which caused a thunderstorm in afternoon. Cool but more humid.

Hang Snatch: These are supposed to be power snatch but 4th and 5th rep were either borderline or squat snatches. This was the first time I had squat snatched from the hang position as I feel it is the most risky for my shoulder as the potential to swing is greatest. Warm up bar, 40, 50, 60, 70.

Set of 5 with 170lb/77kg then two sets of 5 with 165lb/75kg

Snatch Deadlift: Tried these from a ~2 inch block after an email a while back from Eamonn. Three sets of 10 with 275lb/125kg. Really tough tonight for some reason.

Muscle Snatch: Tried to replicate last muscle snatch session as legs were busted from deadlifts. Took about 8 attempts to get 4 successful singles at 165lb/75kg.

Temp: ~80F

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