Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bulgarian Day 21 - Take 2

Snatch: 40, 50, 60, 75, 84, 93X, 93X, 93, 97, 100X, 100, 100X, 100, 100X, 100, 100X, 100X, 100X, 100, 102

C&J: 60, 84, 93, 100, 115, 125, 134X, 134X

1 Clean and 5 front squat: 134

Cleans: 143X, 145X, 145X, 145X

100 should be a cert lift and not require a marathon session. 134 should be a regular lift now. No sharpness in the lifts, piss poor performances now for about a week. Going to add some exercises I think may hone the sharpness.

Saying in gym 'Get your stinkin' mind right' sums tonight up. Couldnt get pumped up even though I was supposed to be going to max. Very frustrating and needs to be sorted soon. Didnt help entire session was listening to belly dancing music upstairs but should be able to lift through these excuses.


  1. one +ve - you still got 102 after all the 100's-that cant be bad!

  2. Yes put in those exercises - like Mike said about your programme there is the letter and there is the spirit of the law.

  3. Put it behind you. each day is a new day. Last week I gave up on 92 in rack jerk, felt weak and p_____d off. One week later a new personal best. You are about to enter into a strong phase.
