Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bulgarian Day 21

Supposed to do 5 singles at 100% and one single at 100% in C&J.

Snatch: 40, 50, 60, 75, 84, 93X, 100X, 100X, 100X, 100, 100, 100, 102X, 104X, 102X, 102X, 102X, 120X

C&J: 60, 84, 93, 100, 115, 125, 134X, 134X, 136X

Clean: 145, 150X

I had a sore head all morning that led to me puking and I was in bed til about lunch time as couldnt keep headache tablets down long enough for them to take effect. I had one egg sandwich throughout the day and felt rough all afternoon but tried to go and do what I needed in gym. If it were a competition I couldnt just take the day off was my thinking. Snatches lacked a bit of spark and took a while to sort of get body to do what I wanted to do in the pull. Should probably stuck with 100 instead of trying heavier but my girlfriend was calling me a flippin fairy for not going heavier - looks like I am as I failed all the heavier attempts. C&J's legs were drained after clean and I realised it wasnt worth knocking my pan in for too long with the 130+ weights. 150 clean attempt was tragic and now need to get back into heavy cleans workout after C&J session finishes every so often.

All in all a session worth forgetting about. It was pants.


  1. if you can do this on a bad day, take encouragement, a good day must be on the cards

  2. You shouldnt have been in gym at all- watch your health.

  3. Blood, ssweat and puke. Get it done. How about being the first guest to put a few words together for Golift? Topics - How weightlifting can go forward in Ireland? How can the clubs bring in new young lifters? How can we learn from USA? Or someting you can think of in terms of lifting itself? Robbie

  4. Robbie, I'll think about it but I am really just a lifter. Someone such as yourself with a strong S&C background who runs a gym probably has a lot more to offer than listening to my ramblings.

    Brendan with his experience as a school teacher and trying to set up weightlifting in school may be able to help as well.

    By far the best person to ask is Ronnie Whiteway. Brilliant coach, experience with St Gabriels in different locations and an all round nice chap.

  5. with a bit of support, i could get a good number of lifters from Strabane. Funding is very difficult. I am starting again in 2 weeks with 2 small groups but have to bring in my own weights. I built a platform myself. My main dilemma's are teaching the snatch and then equipping kids with weightlifting suits, shoes etc for competition but I will soldier on. I also think that a monthly newsletter from the north featuring all types of lifters, young and old, including pictures, profiles, interviews, training articles would be very exciting. Personally, I have 10 times more enthusiasm than when I lifted at 17.
