Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bulgarian Day 20

Snatch: 40, 50, 60, 75, 84, 93, 100X, 102X, 102X, 102X, 102

C&J: 60, 84, 93, 100, 115, 125

A rocky 102 snatch

Have to go to airport tomorrow and also need to turn this bachelor pad into something another human would actually want to live in for a couple of weeks so need to take tomorrow night off. Therefore trained tonight and gave myself the goal of getting a 100kg snatch 3 nights in a row today to try and give myself a bit of a challenge. Need to start making 100 a routine lift in gym if I am wanting to improve. Lucky I had the challenge as needed something to push me when things could have went a bit 'pete tong'. Legs were feeling a little tired every time I finished my set but cant really use that as an excuse as the pull felt fine and dandy.

C&J were OK.

Friday off, Saturday is looking like a right old toughie. 5 singles at 100% on snatch and then a 100% single in C&J. Went back and checked website and doesnt seem to be a mistake so going to be a bundle of fun.


  1. me too - i have to do 5 singles today at 60=100% snatch and same at cj with 80=95% plus squat whatever, should be a challange to face head on

  2. Great power position after 15 seconds. You must have switched off after getting the boogie 93. Good job sticking with the 102 until you got it.

  3. Big lad. Rip into it and get those lifts done and dusted. The boys are back in the flow so we need you to show us how its done. Robbie.
