Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bulgarian Day 19

Supposed to do:

2 singles at 90 in snatch
5 singles at 125 in C&J

What I did:

Snatch: 40, 50, 60, 75, 84, 93, 100

C&J: 60, 84, 93, 100, 115, 125, 127, 129, 131, 134

Found motivation a problem tonight. Need to get some sort of definite goal sorted as training all the time on your own with no competition in sight is tedious at times.

Snatches were OK, 84 was caught quite high so decided to push on a little past the targets weights, make hay while the sun shines I think is the appropriate saying. I am sure there will be a period coming soon where I will have a technique meltdown and struggle with weights if past experiences are anything to go by.

C&Js were tough as it was a lot warmer and muggier than usual and felt like having to suck in the air. There were other folk in the gym so couldnt have fan directed at my platform. It may sound strange but I think I would have failed 5 singles at 125 as I needed to raise the game to keep interested/focused.

1 comment:

  1. two very snappy lifts pete, the snatch looked steady and how do you get such a deep split and how could i extend my split about one foot!
