Friday, August 21, 2009

Bulgarian Day 16

I may train using a Bulgarian program in Arkansas but I am a citizen of NI, have a NI passport and have every intention of returning there. An email I received today annoyed me and the beauty of the 6 hour time difference is I can stew on these things and then take it out in the gym.

Supposed to do:

Snatch: 2 singles @ 90
C&J: Single at 120

What I did:

Snatch: 40, 50, 60, 75, 84, 88, 93X, 97, 102, 106X, 106

C&J: 60, 84, 93, 102, 115, 129X, 129, 136, 140, 145X, 145X, 145X.

By the time I got to the gym I was pretty fired up. I knew what I wanted to get tonight. Snatches were OK, as usual 93kg was a fail, like the good old days when Laurence and I would battle it out in competition he would be amused when I nearly always missed the last warm up before going on the platform to sort it out. 106 first attempt was just a little slow, second was nailed but needed rock bottom squat.

C&J were OK. 129 fail was out in front and was a load of rubbish really. 136 was rough and 140 was fairly sweet. 145 cleaned three times, first two jerk attempts were getting closer, third jerk never happened.

BW has come down to 80kg. There's life in the old dog yet.


  1. Don't come back. you'll be showing us 85kgers how shameful our scores are. Heading up to St. Gabs today for session. the sat is about the only day I can do but i'm normally in a mess. So its time to grow some balls and get to it. Keep it up fella and you'll have to make a star appearance at our gym. Robbie

  2. That 145 was so ,so close. At 16secs your hips were behind the bar and the bar was out in front.
