Saturday, August 1, 2009

Short and sweet

I have to go to a conference and need to catch a 6AM flight. Its midnight, still to iron clothes, pack and finish an experiment, looks like I will be having little of that sleep supplement 'golifters' talk about. Been in work all day and did not have time to follow Bulgarian programme so just went in and did dead hang cleans and then kept loading bar after they finished for deadlifts.

Dead hang cleans: 60, 84, 100, 110, 120, 125, 134, 143, 152, 156X

Racked 156 but pinned to platform.

Deadlifts: 174, 183, 197, 206.

206 I think is a PB. Not sure where it came from as not deadlifted in at least a month. Was better at channeling stuff that is stressing me out at the moment into the bar.

No lifting until next Saturday, the state I am going to is like a weightlifting desert.


  1. nice lifting mate. By the time your next session comes you'll be dying for some. Love the deadlifting. I am a great believer in it as its good exposure to a heavier weight.Robbie

  2. have a good trip. you will be fresh next week and ready to get going again. Good deadlifting too
