Monday, August 10, 2009

Bulgarian Day 10

Snatch: 40, 50, 60, 75, 84, 88, 90

Supposed to do 2 singles at 85kg but just pushed it up a little.

C&J: 60, 84, 100, 115, 125

Tried to work up to the 125 single as quickly as possible. Only other change was each weight I tried to work on getting into quick squat position rather than power cleaning the weight.

Back Squat: 60, 100, 125, 143, 165, 170X

Portadown posse have motivated me to get back into squatting. Lost a fair bit of leg strength since I last squatted, used to get 3-5 reps for 165kg. Much work to do. Was quite tired when I walked into gym and was glad there were other people there for a change.

Taking tomorrow off as hands and shins are beginning to blister/cut up. Clavicles are also a little raw from heavy jerks rubbing off damp t-shirt and my right elbow hurts when fully extended in snatch. Other than that I am grand :)

We hope to have attempt number two at fixing the concrete floor under the main platform tomorrow. First attempt was not deep enough and we did not leave concrete long enough to harden so it has already broken up.


  1. Not suprised the concrete broke with your heavy weights!I hope you are filing your callouses down regularly?

  2. Keep up the hard work Pete. I hope the new training cycle will take you up to and above your limits.
