Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bulgarian Day 18

Supposed to:

Snatch: 82.5kg
C&J: 112.5kg

What happened:

Snatch: 40, 50, 60, 75, 84, 93X, 95, 100

C&J: 60, 84, 93, 100, 115, 129.

I rested yesterday, got a good nights sleep. Dont see the point in going so light in snatch but especially the C&J. Next few nights are reasonably light as well and then somewhere around Fri or Sat I have a max night depending on how rest days are planned etc.

Wanted to go to 93kg but failed it (really whats the story with the recent 93 snatches?!). Snatches still have a little problem with feet getting caught at angle rather than flat on platform. 100 was not what I would call in the groove.

C&J was OK, the 115 to 129 jump is probably a little much as the jerk was rusty but I think it is sometimes good to shake things up.

I had session finished in under an hour and felt remarkably fresh walking out.

Knuckle on thumb is hurting possibly from a lot more hook grip snatches. Knees are a little creaky/stiff/painful which I find worrying as this is first time I have felt this and I always swore I would stop before doing myself long term damage. Blisters have cleared up through the use of straps.


  1. Your an animal lad. I have been finding this tough this week. Nearly fainted today doing an FS but went home, slept and came in 3 hours later to finish the session. Been getting bad head rushes with lifts. Overtraining or just being a big girl? Robbie

  2. Never felt lightheaded on a squat or snatch but have done at end of clean while recovering for jerk.

    In January I think I lost too much bodyweight and felt weak and was lucky not to bomb out. In training I think it may sometimes be from heat or too much caffiene (think Eamonn originally suggested this and he may be right). Cant see any obvious pattern though and not always at heaviest weight. I dont find overtraining causes it, I just feel lethargic, stiff and no pop on lifts etc rather than light headed.

  3. Maybe just skip 93kg??

    Knee pain is the worst, it's really been setting me back the last few months. I've found that I can only do 2 weeks of heavy classic lifts at a time and then I need a break to allow them to heal, more than two weeks and the knees get really stiff and sore, could be tendonitis, hopefully not though... May need to get them looked at.

    Just need to train smart and only go for the big lifts before comps, otherwise just keep ticking over with 80-90%, squats and pulls.

  4. I have to do olympic lifting only twice per week. with more training, my knees and joints suffer. I do assistance exercises in between. Yet again, I am probably twice as old as Cathal
