Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bulgarian Day 11: Two for the price of one

5 hours sleep last night. Knackered. Came home from work and got a quick 45 min sleep before heading to gym to do what I consider one of the toughest nights of the program. Supposed to be 5 singles at 97% in both snatch (97kg) and C&J (127kg). Below is what actually transpired:

Snatch: 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 84, 88, 93, 97, 100X, 100X, 100, 100X, 100, 100, 102X, 104X, 104X, 104X

All fails were up and locked out but were either a little too far forward or one had me rocking on heels and I sat for what seemed like an eternity fighting it before losing it forward. 97 felt easy enough so I decided to try and go up for the singles, found they were a little inconsistent but as usual stubborn streak kicked in. Felt the 104 was there but just lacked a little sharpness. First 100kg attempt I went back to practising my circus act, was like old times when I used to 'duck walk' as some lifters described it

C&J: 60, 80, 100, 110, 120, 129, 129, 129X, 131X, 131X, 131X, 131, 131, 134.

Realised snatches maybe took a little more out of legs as from 120 onwards the cleans were a little sluggish. All jerk fails were lost out in front and really need to focus on vertical drive. After the three consecutive fails at 131 got annoyed with myself, especially as I want to get back to hitting 140's and missing ten kilo less is just not going to get me there anytime soon.


  1. Even the BUlgarians in Ironmind tapes can be seen missing. So dont panic.

  2. well stuck at mate. The Bulgarian is a great mental test. How long do you rest after comp. I trained mon and tues and body broke down on wed session. weekend off I think after QWA day 3. Robbie
