Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Still to clean in Vermont

Found a gym on this small campus. Not very well equipped and I dont have weightlifting shoes, belt, chalk, straps etc with me as I could find nothing on a google search prior to leaving.

Back Squat: 9 singles at 143kg and then one final single at 152kg

Quite weird squatting in trainers. I think this must make my gluteus whatimus muscles in my ass work more as I am feeling them now. Just went to this weight as I was not sure how back would react without a belt. Also the squat rack looked fairly flimsy and was not bolted to the floor and kept sliding towards the rather large mirror.

Pull Ups: 3 sets of 5 with bodyweight

Chin Ups: 3 sets of 6 with bodyweight

Abdominals: 3 sets of ten

Used the exercise they sometimes do in the Arkansas S&C gym. Works fairly well but not sure of the exact name for this exercise.

Funniest thing was when one guy walked in and asked me if he could used the pull up bar while I was squatting. I dont think the top of his head went below the bar on any of the reps. I was close to saying something but bit my lip.

Off to eat and then an evening of presentations.


  1. You are right the lower heel places more work on the posterior chain ie glutes & ham.

  2. Don't say a thing, just show him how its done big lad. perfect day for a 1RM pull-up attempt??? the challenge will be changing soon so get a score in. Got the Ulster Open tom. Should be class. Cheers Robbie
