Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bulgarian Day 17

Target was 90kg snatch and a 127kg C&J.

Snatch: 40, 50, 60, 75, 84X, 84X, 84, 88X, 88X, 88, 93X, 93X, 95X, 95X, 84X, 84X, 84X, 84X, 84X, 84X, 84X, 84, 90X, 93X, 93X, 93X, 93X, 93X, 93X, 90.

C&J: 60, 84, 93, 102, 115, 127X, 127X, 127X, 127X, 127X, 127X, 127X, 120X, 122, 127X

Miserable night. Yesterday left me a little more tired than I expected and I seemed to be having trouble as usual with sub max night mentality. Snatches were popping up but were often forward or I was getting my feet caught up in all sorts of weird positions. In short I was spent from yesterday and lacked spark tonight.

Positives are I cleaned all the weights and I can now find X on the keyboard probably blindfolded.

This is the first night I have failed to reach my target in this cycle. Such a frickin' pussy.


  1. This is the sort of stuff John Broz was talking about. Just keep it going. The Bulgarian kicks in and it fucking kills but thats the bad day done. Only gets better now. Was up at st. Gabs on Sat. Jim gave me a lot of work to do and just going to rebuild my snatch from scratch. Robbie

  2. It can kick you while you are down, but you around long enough at this stage to be able to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get on with it. Believe my man, believe.
