Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bulgarian Day 17 - The Sequel

I sat and stewed all day about last nights session. It felt like one of those movies/cartoons where the guy has a little devil one shoulder (possibly called Broz) saying 'Stop being a pussy and go sort it out' and an angel on the other shoulder saying 'Rest, you may get injured, you are tired and just leave it until Monday'. The angel was winning until 2200 when I started reading everyones blogs. Sean and Colin were battling for front squat PBs, Robbie was practising his TV sports presenting skills, Brendan is getting back into lifting and losing weight and then Barry was having a tough session and before I knew it my oven baked pizza was burning which ended up making the the little devil eventually win.

Snatch: 40, 50, 60, 75, 84, 90, 95X, 95X, 100.

C&J: 60, 84, 93, 100, 115, 129.

Snatches were still sluggish, felt like I had to emphasize extending in the pull as my speed under the bar felt like I was movinng through treacle. After the second 95 fail there was a fair bit of swearing but since I am my coach at the moment the lifter took it well, I think I am my worst critic. 100 felt like my shoes had a semicircular sole as I was rocking all over the show.

Cleans were sluggish but was more worried about nailing the jerks.

Tough weekend but hopefully in the long run the number of lifts above 90% will show through in my lifting.

Angel will win tomorrow, it is definitely a rest day plus I have ran out of training gear and need to get it all washed (good excuse eh?).

I am off to eat a charcoal encrusted pizza.


  1. well done pete - i am now going to take a shot at the bulgalian, looks like pbs are going come your way v soon as a result of it

  2. Dont mention pizza's please. I can hear the devil telling me to have one
