Monday, September 21, 2009

Muggy Monday

Worked 12hr in the lab and then came to the hot and humid gym to blow out the cobwebs. My thermometer is reading 26oC as I type this and its 2315.

Snatch: worked up to 95, 97, 100.
Nothing of real note. Trying to change starting position a little to be more consistent.

HPC&J: 115, 115, 120.
So humid by time I got to bar chalk had turned to paste. Near wrecked wrist on 115 HPC when bar slipped.

SC/HC: 140, 145, 147X
145 was fairly tough but if you dont ask you dont get 147. Got 147SC and racked 147HC but chicken legs came into effect.

DL sets of 5: 170, 175, 175.
Simon Campbell and I set up a challenge up to end of Oct so trying to push these on before his back heals and he kicks my arse.

BS sets of 5: 143, 143, 143.
Took it easy with these. Left hamstring was tight after DL and was apprehensive about pushing it.

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