Friday, September 4, 2009

Bulgarian Day 1

Girlfriend was so generous as to give me her cold and it seemed to hit with a bang today. Tonight was supposed to be final day of Bulgarian program which was maxes but knew there was a snowballs chance in hell of doing that today. Tried to start a new cycle and do Day 1 but even this ended up being too much.

Snatches: 5 singles at 90% (95kg)
C&J: 5 singles at 90% (125kg)

What I did:

Snatch: 40, 50, 60, 75, 84, 90, 95X, 95, 95, 95, 95X, 95, 95X, 95X, 95X, 95X, 100X, 100X, 100X, 100.

Got 4 singles @ 95 and then started a run of misses. Was finding it harder getting enough focus/spark and thought cold was getting better of me until girlfriend said a few words that annoyed me, she seems to be good at knowing what makes me tick in the gym. Put the bar up to a 100kg and even though I was missing they were a lot closer and had some more aggression. Kept at it until I got a 100 but put some of the misses up to show the 'duck walk' attempts at 100. Decided to leave gym after this as I was pretty wiped. Going to have an early night and see if I can get this cold to move.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the 100 snatch. Sure it was hard with the heat and the virus. The words Roberta said werent " Spoon-feed" by any chance?????????????????????
