Monday, May 18, 2009

Mon 18th May: Simply chuffed to bits....until tomorrow

I didnt sleep well last night but was glad to hear my Dad had came through his operation well. I felt groggy through the morning but by 4PM I was beginning to feel fired up for a big session.

Clean: Warm up with 60, 84, 100, 125 and 134. 125 is probably the highest I have ever caught it so I decided to try a 134 (295lb) power clean and see how close it was by video.

Given it was close to a power clean I decided to go on ahead with squat cleans with 143kg (315lb), 152 (335lb) then jumped to 159kg (350lb) as my previous best clean was 345lb and after this I attempted 161kg (355lb).

350lb/158kg clean

355lb/161kg clean

Felt a slight twinge in the right side of my back so left it there. Would have loved to see if I could have racked 365lb which would have been 3x45 and 1x25lb plate on each side of the bar.

365lb/165kg deadlift: 3 sets completed. Find this part hell on toast but think it is making a difference. Would help if I had a third lung though.

Pretty chuffed with how it went tonight, I think this programme which is a mixture of high rep back squats, high rep deadlifts, clean pulls and frequent heavy clean nights is how I progress with cleans best. Still to figure out how snatches and jerks can move up!

1 comment:

  1. One lift at a time. Huge lift Pete, well done. I will put this video on my blog tonight.
