Tuesday, July 14, 2009

If only the lightening were how my lifts felt.....

Was tired, we had a big thunderstorm in the early hours of the morning and from about 0200-0330 I could not sleep. I eventually got up and watched the show from the living room window and got some footage. I dont think I have ever seen as much lightening, looked like a strobe light at times.

Hang Snatch for 5's: Warm up and then target sets with 190, 190, 190 & 190. Each set I managed to lose at least one out front but recover it by time it got to knee to finish set. Due to this I had a stubborn fit and tried a 4th set but the same thing happened. Will have to stick with this weight for next session. They were not 'smooth and in the groove' tonight and they all felt like they were muscled into position.

Muscle Snatch: 60, 70, and then singles with 75, 77X, 77. These were a struggle too and again there did not seem to be the same sharpness tonight.

Body feels/looks like it has lost a bit of weight. Tired now, but have to head back to lab.

1 comment:

  1. Funnily i woke at 4am this morning due to hearing thunder & lightning. Then tossed & turned rest of night. Trouble was - there was no thunder - i actually dreamt it!
