Monday, July 13, 2009

Snooze ya lose

Not sure this title is correct. Machine in work was playing up so was in for 12 hours today and did not get back to apartment until 2030, had a Chinese etc and was debating whether to leave gym tonight. At 2230 I got a fit of guilt and remembered the good old days when I never missed a session so I arrived at gym at 2245 wondering if it was still a good idea.

Push Press: Tried a heavier target for ten reps of 190lb. Should not have bothered. Got 7, 8 and 9 reps as I got progressively annoyed after each set.

Clean and push press: Recent best was 235lb, struggled to get 225lb and gave gammy shoulder a right battering with 205lb when bar slipped off shoulder as I was starting the drive for the jerk.

By now I was pretty fed up so thought I would go back to an old favourite, hang cleans, realising I hadnt the legs for back squats and wanted to test neck twinge with a heavier weight. Worked up to 330lb which I failed three times. Before the recent collection of niggly injuries 330lb hang clean would have been a walk in the park. Annoying how quickly I regress when injured. Neck felt OK so I may start to include more pulls, deadlifts and cleans into workout again. The end of the video below sort of sums up how I felt during this session, this was the 3rd time the bar won the battle and left me on my ass.

So should I have went to bed and snoozed and lost a session or was it worth going to the gym late and losing so many weights?

The battle with the bar continues tomorrow.....

Gym Temp: Bout 30C but thunderstorm earlier really kicked the humidity up a notch.


  1. bad days are only there to make the good days better

  2. What time were you in work the next day? Training real late is bad for sleeping pattern. But your dedication is to be admired.
