Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thurs 9th Jul: A 'hole' lot of pressing

Push press: 185lb for 10, 175lb for 10, 175lb for 9

Glad to be using a heavier weight for one set, long overdue. Annoyed I could not finish the third set

1 power clean and immediate push press: 135, 185, 205, 225, 235X, 235, 240X

Glad to get the 235lb lift but still about 10 kg off my best ever. I think I got 117.5 in St Gabriels years a lighter bodyweight too.

During the session I noticed the left hand side of the platform had a large dip causing the bar to roll and when dropping weight back to the platform it was a lottery as to which way the bar was going to bounce. After finishing the second exercise I then spent a while investigating the cause of this and found out the concrete under the platform was broken up forming a hole about 30cm in diameter. Looks like I will be spending part of this weekend making concrete and filling a hole.

Gym Temp: 32 oC

1 comment:

  1. Whats the agenda behind the pc&im p press?
